During my one-night stint guest-hosting Monday Night Magic this week with Chewie and Jeremy, the three of us commented on the proposed sketches for recent You Make the Card card Revenge of Necromancy. We really weren’t feeling them. I said I could do a better job and that’s when our crossover contest was born! Arting Around is proud to present:
Hipsters of the Coast x Monday Night Magic—No, Seriously, YOU Make the Card Contest
What you do: draw, paint, sculpt, or photograph what you think Revenge of Necromancy should look like, using the following description:
Color: Black
Spell location: A nasty trash heap outside a small settlement
Action: We see a RAG MAN, a hunched and withered humanoid figure who appears to be held together by frayed ropes and worn leather straps. The being is standing triumphantly atop a heap of bones, broken armor and weapons, and other less identifiable trash. It is holding up a skull in one hand; the other hand clutches a filthy sack that is bulging with “treasures.” A glow of purplish power surrounds the Rag Man and the skull.
Focus: The glowing figure
Mood: Creepy yet eco-friendly
Deadline: August 15 at 6pm
When you’ve got your artwork ready, scan it or photograph it as cleanly and clearly as possible and send it to contest@hipstersofthecoast.com and/or chewie@mtgcast.com.
You retain all the copyrights on your imagery (Wizards gets to keep all their copyrights, too) and we won’t use anything without your permission (although submission to this contest gives us permission to post your You Make the Card artwork on Hipsters’ and MNM’s websites).
We have yet to figure out prizes but they’ll likely include some cards or packs or T-shirts or something. Probably an interview on MNM when you are declared the winner!
Some hints:
- Something doesn’t have to be large and central to be the focus of an image.
- Think about what the description is trying to say, how you can interpret it, and if there’s room to expand it.
- Remember what the card does and its card type.
There you have it! Everyone at Hipsters and Monday Night Magic are super stoked to see your entries to the contest. Our two camps will decide on a winner shortly after the closing bell on August 15 and report the results back to you as quickly as possible. I can’t wait to see what you come up with! OH! I almost forgot, I’m gonna do one, too! (Though I can’t win.)
Good luck!
MTGO: The_Obliterator